Making us Lazy or Efficient - Apple Watch Double Tap Gesture

Making us Lazy or Efficient - Apple Watch Double Tap Gesture

Sep 14, 2023

We can say what is the point of introducing the gesture of double finger tap to do certain actions on the Apple watch if we can do that by using our other hand and tapping on the watch. The first thought would be that it is a fancy feature.

Apple has marketed it as useful when your other hand is busy. Take a look at this video.

Wow, that looks amazing. It says “Magic at your fingertips”.

When you take a look at the Apple website they give some examples of use cases.

Let us try to think about how we used to do these earlier.

  1. We raise the hand (strain) we are carrying grocery with → we use our index finger to tap the watch on the other hand. Or we put the grocery down (context switching) → then tap with our other hand on the watch → then carry the grocery again (effort).

  2. While paddle-boarding, both hands are being used, so it would have been risky to move one hand to tap the watch (impossible). So, good job here Apple to resolve this use case.

  3. While baking a pie, both hands would be dirty and you would not want to tap the watch surface (clumsy). So, you have to wash/wipe your hands (effort, context switching)→ then tap on Apple watch.

  4. We raise the hand (strain) we are holding the leash → we use our index finger to tap the watch on the other hand.

  5. While holding a toddler, both hands are used. So if we move our hand, the toddler might wake up (risky). So, Apple also solves here very well.

So, this feature is definitely solving for

But for how much?

If I think of the average weekly pickup for a person doing these activities, it will be 50.

But if we consider the total number of pickups of Apple watch per week for a person it will be 350.

Do you think it will be used for only 15% of pickup time?

I don’t think so.

How do you use your phone when there are 2 alternatives to use?

More than 90% of the time you would use the lesser effort one.

People always choose the lesser effort one if the option is available.

So, I think the intended 15% usage will increase as they will use it even when their hands are free.

But it will not increase too much, like more than 50% because to scroll they still have to use other hand.

I foresee that Apple will come up next with lesser effort scroll. It can be done when you continuously rub your thumb with your index finger.

Once this type of gesture also comes, the double tap gesture will go more than 50%, even up to 90%.

The thumb+index finger for an apple watch will become synonymous with the thumb for mobile phone held in the same hand.

So, if you visualize life of apple watch users after this, it will certainly make them lazy.


This feature is introduced with the marketing communication that it will increase the efficiency of users in certain situations but the nature of technology and humans are such that humans always optimize for lesser effort with the help of technology (unintentionally), making us both efficient and lazy.